Fall Harvest Granola

It’s that warm, cozy time of year. And instead of grabbing highly refined, sugary granola from your local grocery store, this recipe is the perfect substitute! Perfect to add to yogurt, or eaten by itself – whatever your preference, this homemade, nutty granola is sure to warm your house and belly with all its festive Fall flavors.



·      ¾ c chopped pecans

·      ¾ c chopped walnuts

·      ½ c raw pumpkin seeds

·      ½ sliced almonds

·      ¾ c tart cherries (no sugar added)

·      ½ c uncooked quinoa

·      ½ c uncooked gluten free oats

·      ¼ c chia seeds

·       ½ c shredded unsweetened coconut

·      ½ c extra virigin, cold pressed coconut oil

·      ½ maple syrup

·      2 tsp vanilla extract

·      2 tsp cinnamon

·      1 tsp salt

·      1/8 tsp ground cloves



1.     Preheat oven to 375F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

2.     Combine all dry ingredients, including salt and spices in a large mixing bowl.

3.     Meanwhile, melt coconut oil to liquid. Once melted, mix coconut oil and maple syrup together; then add liquid mixture to dry nut and grain mix until thoroughly combined. 

4.     Pour contents of granola onto a large baking sheet and bake for ~20 minutes, or until granola begins to turn golden brown. 

5.     One done, removed from oven and allow to cool before eating. Granola can be stored in a glass container for up to 2 weeks. (Longer in the refrigerator!) 

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